Car parts for sale in Sambalpur, Orissa - Classifieds

Rs 300
Brand new phillips raly set of two head light
Brand new phillips raly set of two head light Halogen bulbs

Rs 300
Brand new phillips raly set of two head light
Brand new phillips raly set of two head light Halogen bulbs

Rs 400
Trackter head light branded Minda company .
Trackter head light branded Minda company brand new with 12v halogen bulb

Rs 40,006,000
Staff for petrol pump. Petrol/Diesel filling.
Staff for petrol pump. Petrol/Diesel filling.

Rs 4,990
MapMyIndia LX345 Navigation System
Brand New MapmyIndia LX345 Navigation System with all accessories and box. As good as new...
Mapmyindia Navigator GPS...
Rs 200,000
Yamaha RD350 parsts (sprocket holder & RR unit)
Auto Parts
I have some RD350 parts (sprocket holder& RR unit)that inpictures.

Rs 25,000
Auto Parts
model complete engine for sale at rs 25000 .......all work has done ...............

Rs 350,000
21 Piece Ratchet Set
21 Piece Ratchet Set
Complete Ratchet set, Round Spanners(10" to 30"), Open spanners(10" to 30") 1 month old, is...