Classifieds in Sambalpur, Orissa
- 99 Cars
- 19 Car parts
- 27 Bicycles
- 122 Motorcycles and parts
- 7 Art & Antiques
- 8 Kids’ products & Toys
- 25 Clothes
- 8 Garden & House
- 57 Furniture
- 18 Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 52 Computers and parts
- 23 TV games & PC games
- 14 Photo & Cameras
- 58 Audio and video
- 141 Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 179 Books
- 46 Pets and animals
- 36 Hobbies & Collectors
- 19 Music instruments
- 35 Sport

Rs 1,200
Three colour of guinea pigs (White,Black,Brown)
Three colour of guinea pigs (White,Black,Brown)

Rs 500
Sony TCM 323 Cassette corder anyone interested
sony TCM 323 Cassette corder anyone interested plz let us know

Rs 500,010,000
Required Captain for Hotel Niiki
Candidates should have 3-4 years of experience in Hotel Industry.
He must did his Degree/Diploma from recognized...

Rs 25,000
Shintzu heavy and healthy male and female puppies
shintzu heavy and healthy male and female puppies available top quality breeds
male 25000 female 23000

Rs 11,998
JMS-Nw High Speed 3.33Ghz Desktop with 19"HD Led Kybrd Mouse 1Yr Wrnty
JMS- 2nd floor, Manorama Market Complex, Upper of Zoom Photo Lab, Madhusudan Marg, Station Road, Rourkela.
Brand New...

Rs 5,500
Bullets alloys, seats, handles, horns at
Bullets alloys, seats, handles, horns at Daffodils, modipara sambalpur

Rs 200
My Most Loved Stories From Around The World Book
My Most Loved Stories From Around The World Book

Rs 37,500
2012 Honda Activa 18200 Kms
Honda activa ladies driven vehicle having a vip running only 18200 km with extra box n guard interested buyer...

Rs 5,000
Videocon 21 inch colour tv with one videocon d2h
videocon 21 inch colour tv with one videocon d2h well condation.selling beacause of transfer.

Rs 300
Brand new phillips raly set of two head light
Brand new phillips raly set of two head light Halogen bulbs

Rs 300
Brand new phillips raly set of two head light
Brand new phillips raly set of two head light Halogen bulbs

Rs 250
Full new practice book for class9 i will sure
full new practice book for class9 i will sure that you will sequire 99%

Rs 200
University physics (sears &zemansky) 12th edition
University physics (sears &zemansky) 12th edition